Where I spent the last few days before I came home to the bad news :(

Sanibel Harbor Hotel, Sanibel Harbor, FL
The daytime view from our room
The night time spectacular sunset
The Harbor
I went to Florida to help my cousin Tina move home to Massachusetts. My Auntie Madeline and My Auntie Mary flew down on Friday and I flew down Sunday afternoon. I thought we were staying in Ft. Myers at a hotel close to wear Tina's apartment was. When I arrived Auntie Mary picked me up at the airport and said she had a surprise for me. Now when I called to ask if I should bring a beach towel, Auntie Madeline said I wouldn't need one that they had a surprise for me. So I thought the surprise was a beach towel. You should have seen me when I found out the surprise was that we were staying at a resort on Sanibel Island!
It was a great few days away with a lot of laughs and fun
Auntie Madeline, Tina and I at The island cow breakfast place and Auntie Mary and I under the rainbow at the Mucky Duck where we went for dinner and the beautiful sunset one night.
We ate some great food, saw some beautiful sunsets and went to the lighthouse beach to collect some shells
This was my sand dollar. He was still living so I took his picture amongst the shells and put him back in the water. There were a MILLION shells! I brought home a huge bag full.
Mom called me on Tuesday with the bad news. We were flying out late Wednesday afternoon so at least I had a few days of RandR.
Today was more tests...after that...more tests...followed by and x-ray, followed by a cat scan, followed by a dental x-ray etc. etc. etc.
From what they figure Dad has not only a blood infection but an infected root under one of his teeth. They are going to pull it on Monday.
The whole things just seems so strange to me. He has no signs or symptoms only that he is tired. They said his defibrillator/pacemaker has to come out to rule out infection from there. If they need to they can put it back in. If not they are leaving it out???
He has been on continuous IV antibiotics and they also think that when this LONG visit is over he will go home on antibiotics.
Because of the infection he has been removed from the transplant list. When he goes back on he will be bumped up to 1A/B which means he goes back up to the top but will have to be monitored constantly to make sure he has no infection.
Tomorrow will be more tests and scans and then the dreaded weekend is upon us. The weekends are TERRIBLE! The staff is short and the wait time for everything is eternal, not to mention that most departments run on a skeleton crew. I hope they can get everything he needs done tomorrow.
Brendan, Kerry and the gang are staying at our house while work on their house continues. It was great having the kids there today to keep my mind off things.

Lilly found an old bear of mine that Mom gave to her and Kylie. One had a pink shirt and one a purple shirt. They have magnet noses so they can kiss. Lilly figured out that the bears nose stuck to the fridge...Then she tried to stick her nose to it too!

Kylie and Lilly played with the old McDonald's happy meal toys which we have had forever and they love them. Julie did a little light reading and worked out with her little gym.
Lilly had a head to head instead of a heart to heart with Julie.
They all were so good today and a lot of fun to have around
Kylie and Lilly are keeping Papa's chair warm for him while he is in the hospital getting better.
Julie likes the couch so Auntie and her will be waiting on the couch instead :)
That's all the news I have for today folks. The good news is at least Dad is not in any pain and is relatively comfortable even with an infection.
I am going up to the hospital tomorrow after work and hope to have some better news to report tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone for all of your offerings, calls, cards, txts and e-mails. We really appreciate everything!
Until tomorrow,
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