I Managed To Drive To AND From Boston With NO TRAFFIC!!!
This morning Mom told me they had Huntington Ave. all blocked off and that there was a bomb threat! There is never a dull moment in my family!
Just yesterday Mom said she could see smoke across the skyline. That just happened to be a 5 alarm fire at a church in Southie!
I had a busy day worked both jobs today and then drove in to visit. I could tell Dad was kind of bummed out because he knows he isn't going home tomorrow, in fact he may be there for another 3 or 4 days.
I got there and went to use the bathroom in his room. I asked if he or my Mom had taken a shower. They both said no. I asked why the floor was wet. Neither one of them knew. The nurse came in a while later. Evidently Dad's Heparin IV came out and he didn't know it. When she commented that maybe it was when he got up to use the bathroom that's when it dawned on me why the floor was wet! It was Heparin, not water! Unfortunately this set him back a few hours which no one was happy about.
I went to the cafe to get my gluten free chocolate cupcake that I am addicted to and happened to swing by the gift shop, it was closed so I window shopped.
This cute little M.D. outfit was just so adorable. It even said Baby m.d. on the pocket :)
They had some new balloons too. I mean who would not love a lady bug with three pairs of Chucks on her feet!
This Weiner dog balloon reminded me of a little Weiner dog that belonged to my cousins. Her name was Daisy. She was so cute and I use to love to watch her walk.
After perusing the gift shop windows for a few minutes I headed back up to the room. I got to the hall and Mom and Dad were walking
This was the route. Because he had been waiting for an hour and a half for someone to come and draw blood we couldn't take the chance of missing the lab people if they came. This was the route. You can see the two lines where we left Dad's room and went back to his room, the rest were all the same back and forth in the hallway. He did manage to walk for 14 minutes and he did 0.29 miles. He was a little slower than a few days ago but he didn't sleep that much last night so he was pretty tired.
Walking up and down there are screens in the hallway that show you everyone on the floors heart rates. Well one guy had his heart rate up to 144 at one point which is ridiculously high! I said my Gosh look at all the lines on his reading they were all close together and they are orange so they reminded me of hay. Dad says "yeah, I've done that."
Been there done that bought the T-Shirt!
Dad got a funny card today from his friend Joanne.
Why this is funny is that Dad happened to pick up a new profession this past spring. Crime fighting. In the course of two weeks he was able to catch a wallet thief and have someone removed from the area that was bothering people in Human Services. You just never know with Dad! This card with it's edits was just perfect!
Thanks to everyone who has sent cards. They are really adding a huge cheer element to his room. He definitely has the most cards of anyone on his floor! He is also the healthiest. He was the only one up walking around at 9:00 at night. Everyone else was in bed with the lights off! Most of the people in his ward are older but there are a few who are younger with new LVAD's of their own. The new people have the smaller controller which is what I was hoping they were going to give Dad! I brought in all of his equipment from home earlier this week so it could be serviced and undergo it's yearly maintenance testing. I was glad they were able to do it so Mom and Dad didn't have to lug it all to the clinic another time to have it checked out. So at least that worked out in his favor!

The cards look so cool all lined up together :)
This by hook or by crook will be Dad's last weekend in. Even if he has to leave and God forbid go back, next weekend is Lilly's 4th birthday and I know he will do everything he can to get home for that! I will do whatever I can to get him there!
Thanks to all who continue to ask how Dad is doing. Thanks for calling to see if we need anything. If you have too much going on yourselves you never hesitate to ask if we need anything and offer to help. We have a very supportive group of giving family and friends who give of themselves to us everyday. Whether it be a prayer you say, card you send, call you make, visit you pay, no matter how big or small it is the cumulative effect that makes it all overwhelming and we are so happy to have all of you along the way with us on this journey to health and a new heart.
The best news is Dad was re-listed today on the transplant list he is no longer off the list due to infection! Thank God for that! Now lets get him a new healthy heart :)
Until Tomorrow,
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