Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Possible Blood Infection

Dad is still in the hospital. He has a possible blood infection stemming from the urinary tract infection that spread. He has been on IV antibiotics all day and they are still running tests to try to confirm if this in fact is the source of the infection. Liver function is off, kidney's needed to be rehydrated, their count is off also. He only has one symptom...he is SO tired he can't stay awake. It almost seems like narcolepsy. In the past few weeks it only got worse. He had an appointment on Tuesday and they ran a whole bunch of blood work. Tuesday, after my Auntie Janet drove them all the way in and all the way home...they called and said come back in! Off they all went back to Boston for another hospital stay. Mom is staying in the room with Dad at the Brigham, where they are becoming frequent flyers!

I took a few days vacation to try to get some RandR (It's not in my nature, I know, but I tried).  I returned home tonight. Brendan and the gang are staying at our house tonight and we will probably head in tomorrow. Joe and Lauren are coming home this weekend.

My back continues to heal. I just wish it would hurry itself up (I really have no patience for it).

Sorry this is so short and their are no photos for I thought I could take a few vacation days without having to upstate, not realizing I would be updating again day by day.

Until tomorrow,

An exhausted and insomniatic Laurie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie:

    So sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he feels better soon. Boy, it is really up and down with him and all of you have to live with it. Not easy.

    I hope you are feeling better and please try to get some sleep!!

    As always, my prayers, thoughts and love are with you all.

    Diane Shipulski
