Today I started my day going to my sports med therapy appointment... in traffic.
Traffic Take 1
I worked days today. I called Mom at noon to see if Dad had had his pic line put in yet. She said they had just come in to do it. I was done in the room and then an x-ray was done to see if it was in the right place. Thank God for small favors it was. Yesterday a doctor came in to check the site where the D-fib was removed. They took off the bandage and poked around. By last night he was in agony, enough to actually ask for pain meds which he NEVER does. Today his doctor came in and said there is a possibility that a hematoma could have formed in the pocket. He wanted another pressure bandage applied and wanted it watched. It took all day...literally all day before they came in and put the bandage on. He is pretty uncomfortable :( In fact I think this is the worst pain he has had since being there. The other bad news is they won't start his switch to Coumadin until they are sure they don't have to do anything at the possible hematoma site. So another delay, another day!
Traffic Take 2
I drove home after work to pick up Dad's home equipment to bring into the hospital for it's yearly inspection. Oh traffic!
Traffic Take 3
I picked up all of the stuff packed it into a huge rolling suitcase and started my commute into B& traffic
When I got to the garage to park. I parked next to these guys. Two Lassie Dogs left in a Jeep. There were still there when I went out! The Jeep is open! The popped their heads up looked around then laid back down. I felt pretty bad for them :(
Our neighbor Janet came to visit tonight. It was great to see her. She was able to see the helicopter take off from the building next door. We have been trying to get the kids to see this too but they haven't seen it yet.
It was so nice of Janet to come after work. It's kind of a long commute but she said she didn't mind. I walked her back to her car after to make sure she was all set with the garage and directions. We have been doing it for so long you take for granted that sometimes it can be tricky.
On my way back to Dad's room I noticed all the hospital employees waiting for the bus. They looked like SMURFS in their blue scrubs!
Dad is low on Iron. They had to make sure the PIC line was in properly then they wanted to try to administer the iron through the line to ensure it is working properly. This line he will go home with and it is how he will receive his IV antibiotics. His nurse's name was Lauri. Not Laurie! Nevertheless it was confusing when someone called her or asked her a question. I usually answered too :)

It was a Blue Moon tonight. The Blue Moon refers to the second full moon in a calendar month. It was awesome to see over Francis Street.
As the sky became darker the Moon seemed to glow brighter.
Dad's card collection seems to be the best on the floor that I have seen thus far. It is so nice to look out and see all the cards that decorate his windowsills.
A side note:
Yesterday I mentioned the "Worcesterland" Art Show:
“WORCESTERLAND” Opening Reception
Tue, Aug 20, 2013 starting at 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Worcester Plein Air Painting Group presents their work.
On Tuesday, August 20, Assumption College will host an opening reception for “WORCESTERLAND “an Art in IT exhibition featuring the works of The Worcester Plein Air Painting Group. The reception will be held on the second floor of Assumption’s Information Technology Center and begin at 4:00 pm. The exhibition will run from August 19-September 27.
Featured artists for “WORCESTERLAND” include Jean Murphy, Sid Solomon, Gerard Blouin, Sam Lalos, Michel Merle, Emilie Astell, Bob Duffy, and Bob Aiello. For more information call 508-767-7095 or email
Today I had the opportunity to attend the opening reception for this wonderful exhibit.
We were able to meet some of the artists and speak with them. I spoke to artist Sid Solomon for a while. If you see Sid, you would guess him to be in his 60's. Truth be told he is turning 80! The painting below is of the old Millbury Street Fire Station. I asked him about the woman walking her dog in the photo. I asked if the woman was indeed real. He said the woman in the photo was painted from memory of a woman in a large purple dress in the similar style to the one depicted in his painting. She was walking through the neighborhood all dressed up walking a little dog. He found her so interesting he put her in this painting. He mentioned that this was his fourth painting of the Millbury St. Fire Station and that a painting he sold at his last show was to a relative of a firefighter who served at the Millbury Station. Sid also mentioned that they just had a reception at the station not to long ago. They are going to renovate the building. He was invited to the announcement and celebration because of his paintings an the preservation he allowed through art.
"Millbury St. Station" Sid Solomon
If anyone is in the area it's worth a look. The reception was very nice today and there were more people there than I expected. I though because it was still summer that it would be a small turnout. I am glad I was wrong. :)
Thanks again to everyone who has commented, written, visited and read the blog. It's nice to hear how people enjoy reading it. It is great for me to write it and keep a record of how Dad is progressing and just how far we have come!
As always thank you all for your unending support. Thank you for taking time out of your days to help out Dad and our family for no matter how small a period of time it makes a HUGE impact. We can never thank all of you enough, for thank you is much to small a word for all the kindness we have been given.
Until Tomorrow,
P.S. I hit construction traffic on my way home from Boston too just in case you were wondering :) It was too dark to take a photo!
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