Friday, August 9, 2013

An OK Day

Dad Had a pretty good day today

Today I had a pretty hectic day at work. I was going to drive into Boston after work to visit but the monsoonish rains made me rethink about driving in with the Prius!  

What I have learned about the Prius:

1. It pretty much has no chance in the snow without pushing it ( it's very light, our friend Adam compared it to pushing a pencil box!)

2. It gets great gas milage

3. It is like a hovercraft in the rain, especially when the traction control, slippery when wet symbol comes on to let you know you have no traction! GREAT, THANKS!

4. You have to have own another car and use the Prius on Sunny dry days.

Auntie Janet came in to visit today and she drove Mom home for some much needed R and R. 

Brendan, Kerry, Lilly and Kylie went to see Dad today. From what I hear they were able to share some of his Strawberry Shake too!

Dad's kidney function numbers have improved again and I am hoping the next two days they improve even more because they are planning on doing the Defib Removal on Monday. 

He seems to be in better spirits than he was before the colonoscopy. Eating will make you feel better too.

On a side note I became and Angry Bird earlier this evening!

I received an e-mail today informing me to contact my credit card company. They were alerted to a possible fraud case. When I called I learned that someone had a field day in Maine,Las Vegas, Dell computer, an electronic company, etc. with my credit card. Thousands of dollars in charges were all made today. I  am just thankful they caught it and contacted me today before any more charges were made. 

Not a lot of new news today, but no new news is good news as far as I am concerned. Now we will just prep for Monday's procedure at whatever time they think they can do it. 

Thanks again to everyone for all of your support, you all are our inspiration.

I am going to BED hopefully to sleep more than a few hours in a row.


Until Tomorrow,


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