Today when we were talking with the doctors and nurses from the sounds of it Dad may be in through this whole week too :(
Mom and I did stuff around the house this morning and I was fortunate enough to have my friend Cherie come over to run with me. It was my first mile and a half since my back fracture! I was SO excited to be able to run. She was a huge help and we talked through the whole run which helped keep my mind off of the fact that I was running! I felt really great after too which was the best part.
We headed into Boston early to avoid any possible type of Fenway traffic possible since their was not only a game tonight against the Yankees but AROD was back and it was sure to be an interesting game ( which it is as I type! )
Dad was a little bummed out because they are going to have to keep him longer than he originally thought. They still have not decided which IV port they are going to put in and because of that it may take another day. He also has to have 4 days to get off the heparin and back on the coumadin (blood thinners) so I think we are looking at another week in unfortunately.
Dad was feeling pretty good today. When we got there he was watching the Pixar marathon on ABC family.
He is watching a Bug's Life here :)
While watching a Bug's Life Dad and I played some Disney trivia on the Disney Trivial Pursuit game I brought. He does really good with Trivia! I guessed some good ones but he is a plethora of information which makes him a wiz at trivia!
After Trivia and before Toy Story started we went for our first walk.
This was Dad's nurse Michelle. She was so nice and a great nurse. As he was walking the hallways everyone kept commenting on how great he looked to which he replied " Good, tell my doctor!" He def wants out of there in the worst way. Michelle was going to see if there was any possible way she could take him outside today just to get some fresh air. I don't think it was possible because Dad wasn't her only patient :( He walked for 14 minutes up and down the halls!
We learned from a tech that this is a new research facility that they are building in what use to be a parking lot. Eventually they will have a bridge from the building Dad is in to the new building. Very impressive!
We went back to the room and when we looked at the cards all along the windowsill Mom commented that Lilly was right her card "is the most sparkly card" and Papa loves it! He loves all of his cards. We have them lined up all along the window sills in his room so he can see them.
We watched Toy Story had a snack then Dad took a little snooze while Mom and I played Scrabble. His dinner came about an hour an a half after I called for it but at least it came!
After dinner and before the game started I suggested we go for another walk.

Dad and I walked for 11 minutes and 15 seconds. This time I used the App on my phone called Map my run to see just how far we were going and what our estimated pace was. I said "Dad we are going about a mile a half hour"..."well then slow down", he says :) Still joking so thats a good sign!
At end of the other hall you could see the awesome sunset over the city. It was so colorful tonight. Each time we passed the window it looked better and better.
Mom is staying again for the week and the rest of us will just go back and forth to visit. Thanks so much for all of the kind words, cards, gifts, calls, texts, emails, visits, food, masses said for Dad, the list goes on and on. I can't imagine how difficult this would be without our family and friends. Yesterday the blog had 197 hits. That is the largest amount so far. The fact that 197 people care enough to check up on Dad's progress and see how he is doing is a testament to the guy he is! I am pretty lucky to have such an amazing Dad and Mom too. I am pretty sure Dad would not be doing half as well if it weren't for my Mom and all of her support. I try to be there as much as I can and my brother's do too but Mom has been there everyday since this whole thing started!
Here's to the weekend being over and the new week starting where things will happen faster than on the weekend. Let's get this week over and move things along so he can continue to improve even more on his numbers and go home!
Until Tomorrow,
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