Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Trying To Balance

Dad is doing better today. In less pain and no surgery needed on the hematoma!

I worked today and have to work at an incredibly early hour tomorrow so I didn't drive into Boston after work. I had intentions of going for a run but I ended up hanging out with my neighbor Karen and talking for a while. She is so nice and is always asking how Dad is progressing and if Mom needs anything :) 

I talked to Mom this morning and she said Dad was feeling better than he did yesterday. He even got up and went for a walk. That was something he could not do yesterday! I called Dad when I got home tonight and he sounded pretty good. He said they told him the hematoma was smaller than it was yesterday meaning it is not bleeding and continuing to grow, a good sign. They reapplied another pressure dressing to try and speed up some of the re-absorption, they told him there was dried blood and that he most likely would have a small lump there. He said "that's ok I had a big lump there before" I told him that stinks and he said it was really no big deal. I think he doesn't care what he has to deal with as long as they let him go home. 

Mom and Dad had IV antibiotic administration class today. It turns out there are 6 syringes that have the antibiotic in them. He has to administer them one ever minute for six minutes. A lot faster than he though. We thought it would be a regular IV drip. This seems much easier! They are still going to send a visiting nurse so at least if we have questions they will be able to help.

He still has to be taken off the Heparin and put on the Coumadin. Now today is Wednesday, let's say Thursday because that will be a full day. If they start the process tomorrow they said it could take up to 4 days to regulate it. That would mean another weekend and a very mad everyone. If they make Dad stay this weekend I am going to bring him this sign to wear around his neck!

It certainly has been a long month. The summer is almost over and I am pretty sure I missed almost the whole thing! Summer is my favorite season and this year the summer went by way to fast and we didn't have enough time to enjoy it. Maybe mother nature will heed warning to this and bless us with a mild winter!!!!

Thanks to everyone who has called, visited, written, texted, e-mailed, sent gifts, given rides, taken Mom out, and kept up with the blog. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful support system.

Until Tomorrow,


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