Another Day Another Thing Wrong :(
Today when I went in to visit Dad. We all had to wear these really neat yellow gowns because they were afraid Dad may have contracted a new type of bug. Luckily after the tests all came back negative we were told we could take them off :)
Auntie Janet and Uncle Jimmy came to visit and they looked smashing in yellow :)
Dad's friend Ernie came by today to visit too. It was so nice of him to stop in. Unfortunately I was on my way out to go to work when he came so I didn't get to chat with them. I was glad Ernie came though so Dad wasn't alone waiting for Mom and Auntie to come back.
Auntie Janet took Mom out to lunch for a much needed break. It was so nice out today. They went for a walk outside. I didn't get to see them before they left so I hope they got a good walk and lunch in.
Mom is going to try to come home with me tomorrow night. She needs another good nights sleep.
While Mom was out Dad and I played the game "Smart Ass" It's a fun game with categories of "Who Am I", "Where Am I" and "What Am I". The tie breaker cards are called "Hard Ass". It's a trivia type game where each word has 10 clues that you read to give you hints as to who, what or where. When you play in a group you have to answer before the other players as soon as you know the answer. Dad and I just played by reading and trying to guess in the least number of clues given.
Dad had to have an IV change. I helped the IV Nurse. Due to the amount of blood he loses when stuck with a needle or an old IV comes out, it gets pretty messy pretty quick. This one was no exception. She was a really nice nurse and we were saying how in order for her to do all of that herself she would have to grow six more arms and legs! I told her maybe next time she could use her feet too. She Laughed :)
Dad is scheduled for a kidney biopsy tomorrow. What we are hoping is that the biopsy shows improvement in his kidneys and that they can get better. If not we are onto plan B. Possible Dialysis later on and listed for a kidney transplant as well. Please pray that they find the kidneys to be in ok condition thus eliminating the need for that transplant as well. Thus far all of your thoughts and prayers have been wonderful and they have gotten him though the tough road he has traveled so far.
Dad was a little disappointed because he thought he would be home by Saturday. Not likely says Dr. Lakthawala. I really like him and the doctor that works with him. I wish I could remember her name but the other doctor, is from Ireland and she has a great accent! Dr. Lakthawala jokes and kids around with Dad all the time. He takes the time to sit with us and answer any questions and concerns we may have and you never feel like he is rushing to get to the next patient, you have his undivided attention. Smart and a good bedside manner equals a great doctor in my book...or blog :)
The ride in today wasn't bad, not a lot of traffic. The ride home was different. It wasn't that traffic was bad on the Pike it was getting to the Pike and after getting off the Pike the 17 RED LIGHTS I had to wait at to get to work! Seriously I counted them and there were 17!!! RIDICULOUS!
Today we saw on the news that they are going to change the tolls on the Pike to the ones that you can go the speed limit and go through. The first test one will be ready in April. If Boston can do that to make things more efficient maybe Worcester should rethink their traffic light situation!
Thanks to everyone who continues to keep Dad in their thoughts and prayers. If you would like to send Dad a card: Address them to:
Michael Palumbo
Room 701 Shapiro
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
Until Tomorrow,
P.S. The Blog has reached a record high of 126 views yesterday, Now that's support! :)
P.S. The Blog has reached a record high of 126 views yesterday, Now that's support! :)
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