Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Duck Says It All

Donald is Sporting a New Pin

Dad got this Pin last year on his 65th birthday. Who knew then that Dad would be fighting yet again for a chance at a quality lifestyle. Well he has proved this message time and again and now Donald will be wearing this pin as a daily reminder of his victorious journey!

Dad walked around today again. After doing a bit too much he was dizzy so he took a break. I think he needs to realize we don't have to start training for a marathon just yet. :) We will be happy with walking through the front door at home.

Mom went back this morning early and met with the VAD nurse for a class on the LVAD shower bag. We have another couple classes on Friday and then hopefully a test! I think we are more than ready for the test!

I wasn't able to visit today due to my crazy schedule. I am looking forward to walking with Dad on Friday. I will be sure to wear my walking shoes :)

Thanks again everyone for all of your kind words, thoughts, prayers, love, calls, visits, rides, hospitality, cards, gifts, snacks and comfort.  We are so very lucky to have all of you behind us on this journey.

Until tomorrow,


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