Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lots of progress today!

Hampton Inn we bid you adieu 

Dad had kind of a rough night last night for a bunch of reasons. Today has proven to be a much better day. I went for a swim. Mom and I ate breakfast and we said goodbye to the Hampton in this morning. Mark and Gregg whose Sister/Mom is being treated at Brigham and Women's. ( They are in the background of this photo )  have been riding back and forth with us all week. I got to talk to them for a while tonight before I left. Their family will be leaving Tuesday. I wish them the best. So many families  have been at the hospital throughout our stay and I only hope their loved ones are doing as well as Dad.

Dad had a progressive day all around. Every time we turned around they were taking him off of things and taking things out! Such progress. He is doing so well and all the doctors and nurses are very happy with his progress.

Auntie's Peggy, Patty and Judy came down to day to take Mom out to lunch. I was very happy she was able to get out and about for a change of scenery. She was happy to go out and have a nice lunch with them.

Brendan, Kerry and the kids came back for a bit this afternoon. Lilly and I occupied our time by reading her new Aladdin book and playing the Princess and Mickey games on my iPad.

Dad was typing to us on the iPad this morning because his throat was so sore and they said he was having trouble swallowing. He typed to me after the nurse left to tell her he had just swallowed two times. She was happy with this and said we still needed him to take it slow. They had us step out around 2 so they could remove a line and also remove one of the three chest tubes. Brendan went in after Lauren and Joey came out and then we had to let Dad rest for a bit.

When Mom and I went back in he was sitting up in bed. No v-pap machine and just a nasal cannula with O2! He was watching the Patriots game!!! He asked for a drink or Popsicle but they want him to take it slow. So ice chips it is for now. Yum! I kept the ice chips coming when the nurses were changing shifts and Mom kept it up when I was leaving. The night nurse tonight seems nice. Mom is staying with Dad in the room tonight. I am happy she is able to stay there so they can be together. The days have been long but I know the nights must have been longer without any of us there for Dad to talk to :(

Megan came to pick me up tonight and I am staying with the Hazelwood cousins tonight :) Charlotte was very excited that Auntie Laurie was coming to sleep over! She didn't want to go to bed until I got here. We ordered dinner complete with celebratory hot fudge sundaes! The best medicine ever is ice cream and chocolate...together!  I am composing this blog from the comfy bed in their spare bedroom :) Megan even did all of Mom and My laundry so we will have clean clothes for the rest of the week. You never know how important clean laundry is until you run out of it!

I know I say it at the end of all of my blogs but I cannot thank everyone enough for all of their help, support, calls, e-mails, blog comments, cards, transportation, housing,visits, and meals. You all have been our strength throughout this journey! Tomorrow is a new day and we are hoping for even more progress. :)

All our Best Laurie, Dad and Family :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great news! Mike, I stand in awe of your sports loyalty, cheering on the Pats come hell or high water. They gave us all a little scare in the 4th qtr but ultimately got it done. Did you enjoy the Peyton Manning face? Hee!

    I continue to send up prayers for you. Keep after the nurses -- if you make a big enough pest of yourself, eventually they'll have to give in and let you have a popsicle.

    Kelly Jefferson
