Friday, October 12, 2012

Hearts all over


I guess you can say that in dealing with Dad's heart condition we have become heart obsessed. Someone in the house subliminally even bought toilet paper with heart designs!

Today was a bit of a setback. Dad has developed a fluid collection on the right side of his heart. They say this is normal. Often people develop fluid in places where there is a space for it to collect. The trouble is, if the fluid does not get reabsorbed it has to be drained manually...which is not fun :(

Dad is still in a lot of pain. They stopped PT all together until they can figure out how to deal with this fluid. He had a CAT scan at 2:00 this morning which showed the fluid buildup. That combined with the echocardiogram gave them the full picture. I feel so badly that he has come so far so fast and something like this is what is bothering him.

Dr. Burke came in today and said he lost the record for being discharged two weeks after surgery since they expect him to be in at least another week.

Mom and I had training today and Colleen, the LVAD N.P. is a great teacher. I think we are pretty prepared. I keep putting the components on and taking them off, switching their positions and ways to carry them. I am trying to come up with the easiest way for Dad to carry around his shiny new equipment.

They really put you at ease during the classes. It is better than just watching the video which did little more than freak us out! The Nurse last week told us, when connecting everything remember that no matter what you have 4 minutes, so take your time connecting, and do it right.

Auntie Madaline and Uncle Ruedi came up to visit today. They have been awesome throughout our ordeal. Not just these last few weeks, but really the last two years. They have been driving Mom and Dad back and forth to Boston whenever they needed to go in. We had dinner in the cafe while Dad and Mom had dinner in the room and Dad rested a bit.

My ride home tonight was about an hour an 10 minutes less than my ride home yesterday! That's what no construction on the weekend will bring you!

We are heading back in tomorrow this time with the kids so Dad can see them. He hasn't seen them in a  week. I talked to Lilly on the phone tonight and she is looking forward to going to see Papa at the hospital and riding the "Xcalators" as she calls them. I guess it's a good thing that she has a positive view of the hospital.

Thanks again everyone for all the well wishes, prayers, cards, visits, snacks, calls, e-mails, drawings, rides, hospitality and company we appreciate everything.


*P.S. please pray for the fluid to be re absorbed so Dad can avoid another procedure *

1 comment:

  1. Talked to Vicki on the telly and she filled me in and told me about this blog. What a great way for us to know what's happening. I'm so glad that Aunty Madeline and Uncle Rudy are wonderful people....lots of people that love you guys are wondering how they can support you all....prayers of course but beyond that too ? Love - Cousin Tina and George
