Today is a BIG milestone in Dad's journey. He is IV Free!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad talking with one of the Doctors. Donald Duck from Lilly and Kylie is taking a rest on his side table :) |
Dad made a huge jump in progress today. The last IV line was removed! He can now go for a walk without his friend the IV pole, which he was not sad to say goodbye to.
Auntie Janet came in today. She visited and kidnapped Mom to take her home for a rest and to regroup for a day.
Dad went for a few walks before Mom left. Mom said it was great to not have the pole to worry about.
Brendan and I have a few more home improvements to make before the week is over but we got the hardest parts done.
I guess there was an earthquake today in Maine. It measured 4.6 and was reported to be felt all through New England. I sure didn't feel it and Dad said they didn't feel in in Boston either. Thank God for small favors. That's all we would have needed, an October Earthquake this year instead of the October Blizzard like last year. One good thing is that we never lose power. Now it is more critical than ever to keep this streak up. We will be relying on power to keep everything charged and in working order to make things easier for Dad.
We are looking forward to the day they say he can go home. Mom and I have another class on Friday. We will be going over wound care and all the ins and outs of driveline care.
I bought an ironing board today to use for a dressing change station. This was suggested to me by a friend I made on-line through an LVAD site. She has been a constant source of information, reassurance, support and hope. She has convinced me that life with the LVAD is better than life without it. Thanks Shannon!
Thanks again everyone for everything! I am looking forward to the day I can type that Dad is coming home.
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