Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hooray, vent came out today!!!!

Day 2 After Surgery and VENT IS OUT!!!!

This is the monitor that we watched for two and a half hours today. They told us if the green numbers in the lower left reached 2 hours they would consider taking Dad off the Vent. Here the monitor read 00:09 or 9 minutes!

I figured out that Dad was able to draw letters to communicate with us. Through the wonder of technology he was able to use our iPads to draw letters. He was joking with us and asked why does he feel like Stephen Hawking? Then he typed BLOG. He wanted to know how it was going and if I was still keeping people updated. I told him I was and that since I began the Blog we have over 600 hits on the blog. It is a real testament to all of you and all of your support. Without all of our family and friends support we wouldn't be where we are.

He asked questions and we communicated in between his rests. He then asked the nurse if he could have a popsicle when the vent was out? She told him yes but they would have to start slow. He then typed 300! He wanted 300 popsicles!

It was hard to watch him struggle at times with the vent tube. He typed for me not to worry because he was good. He is a trooper, and such a good patient.

The nurse he had today Janet was AWESOME!!! She is our favorite day nurse so far. She is back tomorrow which we are very thankful for and the night nurse is the same as last night and she sweet. Around 5 they decided all of his sat. labs came back with levels high enough to be able to pull the vent. They sent us out of the room while they did this because it is something that isn't easy for the patient.

Mom and I went into the family waiting room and the sky outside was very odd looking. It was nice this morning but the clouds were creeping in all day. 

Janet came in to get us about 15 minutes after we left. He had on a face mask nebulizer with O2 to help his breathing. He seemed much more comfortable after the tube was out. He was very thirsty so we were able to give him ice chips. Unfortunately, he stared to cough after that, and we had to stop to give him a break.  They want him to cough to expand his lungs and get up some of the stuff in his lungs. They actually have a heart shaped pillow that he has to hug to his chest and cough. This has to be extremely painful but he never complains! His throat is very sore and he is hoarse so he isn't talking any more than he has to. The mask makes it difficult to understand him but it is easier than the vent and much, much more comfortable!

His cardiologist Lynn Stevenson came in to visit today and she and Dad joked back and forth a bit. She said put on some music he likes other then the canned music that was on the tv station. So he was able to pick a playlist on his iPad and listen to music all day. The iPad is really proving to be an invaluable tool for us.

Tomorrow we are going to check out of the hotel. Mom and I will head to the hospital after breakfast and packing. The boys are coming back to visit which Dad is happy about. He asked when they were coming back and told me to say Hi to them via text messages.

We still have a long road ahead but today the road seems a little shorter than it did yesterday.


  1. Wonderful news, Laurie. No keeping him down! Vi

    1. That is true Vi. You are an inspiration too. A true warrior and survivor of this fight!

  2. Laurie - thank you so much for the updates. I know I can log on and check in on Michael every morning. So glad the vent is out and each day he will get better and better. Give him our love and we are thinking about him all the time. love you guys...and a big hug to you and Mary Ann as well. Vickie, Mark and Nick......xxxxooooo

  3. Laurie, So great to be kept up to date with your blog--so inspired and impressed with your dad, your mom, you and your whole family! Love, Ellie
