Most of us woke up this morning to ice encrusted vehicles and streets still slick with ice!
After taking the better part of 40 minutes to start, thaw and scrape my car, I headed into work... a slick campus!
These were some of the sites that greeted me today upon my arrival to Assumption!
I got to work and it was like a ghost town. Most area schools had several hour delays. Delays mean that everyone with kids are not coming in until their kids can go to school. This was the reason for all the gloriously close parking spots!
Dad had called a few times this morning to let me know they were not going to let him out until Wednesday. He was pretty aggravated to say the least and he is feeling ok so he did not want to stay until Wednesday. He called Auntie Madaline and Uncle Ruedi and told them the news so we all just figured we would see how the rest of the week went.
Late this afternoon he called to see if I was able to pick him and Mom up because he was being sprung! The better explanation is that he convinced them he did not need to be there and that he was feeling fine and wanted to go home today.
I drove into the city to get them. The in part was not so bad...The out part...different story!
The photo is blurry because he was practically running to get out of the hospital. Like the IKEA commercial says...START THE CAR!
He did pause for a millisecond to say goodbye and thank you to the nurses.
We all said our goodbyes to the staff and told them we hoped they would all have a very happy holiday, oh and, we didn't want to see them until next year!
Mom and Dad went to grab a bite to eat at Au Bon Pan and I went to fetch my vehicle. Anyone who has had the pleasure of driving in rush hour traffic in Boston knows that people just lose their minds. Just getting out of the garage and across the street to pick them up took 23 minutes!!!
Getting out of pick up... so fun! People just decided to make a two way road, a one way, causing substantial grid lock! The lunatics combined with annoying precipitation, which wasn't rain, but a fine mist that just coated your windows and obstructed your view constantly was fantastic! It took only a little less than two hours to get home.
When we got off the Pike in Millbury everything was dark. The power was out! Luckily, by the time we hit the Worcester line there was power. This gave us hope that we also had power. We were home for a little bit when the lights got really bright then the power surged a couple times. Brendan called us from the station and asked if we heard the loud bang. We did not, but, I guess whatever the bang was caused everyone from Oak Street to Route 20 to lose power. THANK GOD we are on this side of South Quinsig. My Dad and another gentleman, who is on an LVAD, both live on this side of the street so we did not have to worry about power loss. Never before did losing power become something that was scary. Now that Dad depends on it to charge his batteries we have a generator that will sustain us in an emergency.
So far Dad is feeling fine...the visiting nurse will come tomorrow and check his levels just to make sure his levels remain consistant. Joe will be home this weekend which will be nice and he can meet his new niece for the first time! We are hoping against all odds that we do not end up back at the Brigham before Christmas. Only time will tell.
I am off to get some much needed sleep. It was a long day and an even longer weekend. I am looking forward to having a few days off for the holidays!
Thanks everyone for everything you do to keep us going. We could never do this without all of your support.
Until tomorrow.
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