Christmas in the Air
There was a microphone gift that made your voice sound like an elf! Now Lilly loves music and loves to sing. If anyone has missed the duet that Lilly and I do to "Defying Gravity" from the musical Wicked you don't know what you are missing :)
After a while I think the "concert" was getting to Julie. She didn't open her eyes she just covered them!!!
The girls are really loving their new baby sister Kylie even shared
her new "Mouse" presents with Julie.
The girls got to open an extra special present too! Papa and Grammy had bought them the Lionel train set for the Polar Express! Lilly loves the movie almost as much as Papa and if they could watch it everyday they would! It even came with a special bell that Lilly hung on the Christmas tree. Lilly wanted to set it up right away.Two dogs and one little sister who likes to do everything Lilly does equals train in the box for now. She may have to wait a few days until a spot can be made where the little one and the dogs can't get to it. Not an easy task by any means. It was great to see how excited they were!
30 minutes after we took all these photos was when the phone call came and our plans were changed.
Today Dad's weight went up a bit and his numbers were still not exactly where they want them to be. The reason he is weighed so often is that if there is a fluctuation in weight, and it goes up, it means he is retaining more fluid. This was surprising to is because he didn't eat or drink anything for more than half the day yesterday. So they made some more med changes and on the day went.
It was kind of gloomy outside today. It looked like winter :( We can see the LifeFlight Helicopter land on the building next door from Dad's room.
We have been watching some of the free movies the hospital offers in the room. So far we watched Disney's "Brave", The adventures of Tin-Tin, and I watched the new Muppet movie this morning. We watched White Christmas Friday night and Dad watched it again Yesterday!
I talked to Auntie Madaline last night and she was telling me about a cute craft she was working on. I am looking forward to continuing my half finished crafts so I can get them done for Christmas. Uncle Ruedi and Auntie Madaline are coming to visit tomorrow.We are hoping that a miracle will happen overnight and his numbers will be ok and they will let him go home with Auntie and Uncle. He is feeling so good that he is having a hard time with them keeping him there. I know they would rather be safe than sorry but I can't blame him for wanting out.
...come ovah we got the tree.
Everyone take your picture around the tree!
It's such a nice tree :)
We were very lucky to have visitor today. The whole time we have been there this week we kept saying it wasn't as fun without Gabby and we missed having her here. When Cousin Mark and Vickie called and said they were going to visit, they kept that Gabby was coming a surprise. When Gabby came in with them we were so happy she was able to come too. It was a very nice surprise and almost felt like we had never left!
Mark made Dad another "Stash of Italian Gold" and Dad was very happy to get them. Vickie made a nice fresh fruit salad and also me the cookies that I can eat, and that I love! I have to discipline myself so the cookies last longer and I don't finish them in two is extremely difficult....and yes they are THAT good!
So another day has gone by and Dad still feels the same as when he came in. It is still concerning that when his numbers are that off he is asymptomatic. We are just wondering why he has no symptoms and how will we know whether his numbers are good or bad? I am thinking we are going to need the visiting nurse again everyday for a while until they can get this straightened out.
Tomorrow is a new day. It's back to the daily grind for me which stinks because it's not where I feel I should be right now but Dad is in good hands and the nurses at Brigham and Women's are just so amazing. If you need anything they come, and if they can't because they are with another patient, they always send in someone to check on you and see if there is something they can do to help. Dad again seems to be the healthiest patient on the floor. There is one gentleman who has been there since Dad was there in October! He hasn't gone home yet :( His family is doing their best to keep his spirits up. They even have a full size Christmas tree in his room!
So keep your fingers and toes crossed that they let Dad out of there tomorrow so Auntie Madaline and Uncle Ruedi can spring him loose!
Once again we are so grateful for all of the love, support, visits, calls, text messages, cards, rides, food and cannot thank you all enough for everything you have done for us. We are so happy and very lucky to have such a wonderful support system and we could not do any of this without you!
Until tomorrow,
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