Goodbye 2012!
2013 HAS to be better!
Boston Ladder 26 donning it's festive holiday Wreath.
Dad spent most of the day still in ICU. We had a great nurse today too, Andrea. She came on at 7 and stayed with us all day. Dad had one small episode early this morning but he was able to pace out of it on his own again. This is a good sign if his on board equipment can handle the situation without shock! He had an echocardiogram and things appeared to be functioning well. If he is able to continue to pace himself out of episodes without shock he will not have to have the ablation. I am looking forward to Wednesday when we are back at full staff in all departments and the weekend and holiday are over. Until then they are working with a lighter crew. This means everything takes longer and doctors are covering more patients than they normally do.
Dad's nurse Andrea with Dad and Mom "walking the halls"
They wanted to get Dad up and moving today. He needed to be able to move about without incident before they would let him move out of ICU. He walked around for about 3 minutes the first time and then they got him up again this afternoon to walk again.
This is Janet who took care of Dad for three days when he was in intensive care after his LVAD surgery. She is one of our favorite nurses. They are all wonderful but Janet has a wonderful sense of humor too. This morning I was awakened by Janet singing " My Albuquerque Turkey" and "Tony Chestnuts" We now have some ideas for Lilly's preschool class next Thanksgiving season! :)
I visited the good Ole' Shop on the Pike and they did not disappoint with their new stock! This little Gem is "Airfork One" Perfect for in-flight meals!
Dad did so well today that tonight they transferred him to the step down unit back on floor 7. We're moving on up! He requested a room with a view so we could watch the fireworks from the room! They honored his request. We ended up back in the same room we started in the day after Christmas!
Room 709
From the window of the room we could see that the heart in the snow outside was still there! Cars and trucks have been in and out but the heart prevails!
Dad and I are trying to keep Mom awake so we can ring in the new year together. As I type we have 34 minutes to go!
We now know we cannot see the fireworks from anywhere on the floor :(
We had a great view of the fireworks on TV

You could see the whole display on the TV in the room where at least we were warm :)
Tomorrow we are really looking forward to seeing their smiling faces and welcoming the first day of the new year with them :)
We are also looking forward to getting better and stronger everyday. Still no idea when we will be able to go home. I for one would rather be on the conservative side this time. We want to make sure all systems are go and we feel confident about going home.
Thank You all for everything you have done! We continue to take things one day at a time and hope this new year moves in a better direction. Thank you for your texts, calls, visits, food, and offers of anything we need help with. You have all truly been right there for us all the way through this trying year. Here's to a better healthier 2013!
Until tomorrow,