Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What A Week!

Vacation All I Ever Wanted...

 This was the amazing view of the beach in Saco, Maine where I spent a few days last week. 

Mom and Dad came up and joined us for Lobster night. This is everyone who ate the lobsters. The four of us who did not ate at the kids table :)

I saw this sign this week and it reminded me of Adele and her ice cream man love hate relationship.

Poor Adele every day wanted an ice cream from the ice cream man. He would either be gone by the time she got to the truck, was taking a nap or had left the house to go somewhere. I swear it was a conspiracy to get the poor kid to suffer the wrath of the ice cream man! 

Ryan was nice enough to play Ice-Cream man for the kids instead, to ease the scaring the real ice-cream man left on the kids vacation

Ryan strapped on an apron and took their orders at his window. He made the experience all the more real by playing the song from the ice cream truck on his phone and raising the blinds when the kids would come to the window. They paid their 5 cents each and got an ice cream or a bomb pop...depending on the night.

The kids got Pier Fries one day while we were out

After a long hard day they were all ready for bed and watching a show before story time.

The reason the blog was not updated last Tuesday was because I had a traumatic experience on Sunday which left me in an awful state for the rest of the week and continues to plague me. I decided to take advantage of my surroundings and go for a leisurely 4 mile run in Maine. It was a beautiful morning until...I fell from a standing position onto the stairs that lead down from the porch. It was not pretty! The stairs were wet because of the sprinklers and I slipped and fell hard. I figured it was just a bad bruise and even though it hurt like crazy I decided to continue with the run. ( I knew I would stiffen up later so I would probably not be running later.  ) I got back to the house and took a shower. All I wanted was a few days off to chill and go to the beach!  So much for trying to have a few days vacation.

I kept an ice pack on it and took Advil religiously thinking it would get better. In fact it did not. My parents came to Maine and waited to make sure I could make it home ok. I made it home and went to the first doctor. They did not do x-rays and told me I had soft tissue damage and to manage it like I was doing. They gave me an anti inflammatory drug which made me sick. So needless to say I was not better 4 days later when I called back and got another appointment. This time the appointment was with a Chiropractor who wouldn't do anything without an x-ray. Thank God he was smart enough to do this because it turns out I have a fractured bone in my back! SO it has been a rather painful few weeks and I still have ice on my back as I type this and can't seem to find a comfortable position. 

Joe came up for a few days to go to a bachelor party in Boston. He and Julie got to spend a little time chatting about phones. Julie was sharing her little plastic phone with Joe.

My Auntie Phyllis Ann and Uncle Lee are visiting from Alaska. Last night we played a trivia game. I assumed my position with my ice pack and played a few rounds. 

 While Brendan and Kerry continue to move the girls have been coming over to play. It's great watching them. They make me laugh and even though it hurts to laugh they are worth it. They had a tea party with Monkey yesterday.

 I think Kylie wanted to give Mr. Monkey a little more lunch before his dessert.

 This morning Auntie Phyllis Ann gave the girls each a new book. Julie's was based on Alaskan Animals. She loved it!

This afternoon Julie and Auntie read Papa another book. Julie loves looking at the pictures.

Everyone else is pretty healthy. Dad is doing great this week and it's great having Auntie and Uncle here! I wish I was able to do more. As the day goes on so does the pain. It's the worst in the morning and at night before bed. Sleeping isn't really going all that well. I don't like waking up knowing I have a back because of the pain that's there :( 

I only hope the healing process speeds up!

Sorry for the brevity of this but I can't sit any longer.

Thanks to all my faithful followers. Dad is doing so well knock on wood and I know it's because of all the support he gets from all of you. We are truly so very lucky to have so many friends and family who care for us. Without you we would be nothing!

Until Next Week,



  1. Hi Laurie:

    So glad to hear that your Dad is doing so well. But I am so sorry to hear about your fall. Nice vacation, NOT. Please take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon! I worry about your Dad and I don't want to worry about you too!!

    As always, prayers and thoughts are with you all.

    My love to you all.

    Diane Shipulski

  2. Hi Laurie,

    I'm hoping for a speedy recovery and you can return to that beautiful view in Maine. I'm sure the hot weather isn't helping any!
    Take care,
