You Know You Have A Back When...

I know about 10 times a night when it wakes me up that I have a back and it still hates me! These little babies that my friendly neighborhood pharmacist told me about, are awesome. They are helping with the inflammation while not making me SICK! They are not a miracle cure by any means but they are helping take the edge off the pain.
Because all I can do is walk and eat I have been doing a lot of both. We had a great meal at Rosalina's. It was nice to get everyone together. The next photo I took Dad had his glasses on but the photo was blurry :(
Mom went on a much needed beach vacation with Auntie Peggy and my cousins. I am glad she was able to get away for a while. She needed the break. I just wish she wouldn't feel bad about leaving us here. We are doing ok and we miss her but are happy she is at the beach. The girls can't believe she went to the beach without any of us, they are a little confused over that :)
Dad unfortunately went to the doctors on Monday after suffering the weekend with a urinary tract infection. They put him on a powerful antibiotic that will hopefully knock it out of his system. We now just have to get him to drink and eat more!
Brendan and Kerry have been very busy with their move so Auntie Phyllis Ann was a HUGE help to us babysitting. We never could have done it without her help!!! The girls love having them here. I know they will miss them too when they leave :(
Kylie and Auntie Phyllis Ann swapped bracelet tips while Julie jumped and Papa watched a cowboy movie!
Kylie and Lilly both enjoyed a strawberry shortcake for dessert after Brendan brought dinner over. I feel like a slug for not doing more. They managed to move a whole house and still have time to make us all dinner! They are truly amazing!
Auntie bought the girls each a new set of headbands. Kylie insisted on wearing all 5 of her headbands at once, the one she came with and her 4 new ones!
Julie was lucky enough to get a brand new dress from Amy this week. It was soooo cute and she looked adorable in it! Amy is always thinking of the girls they are very lucky kids indeed!
This weekend we had a traditional Parkway Diner breakfast! It is a tradition to go while Auntie and Uncle Visit. As always the breakfast was awesome!
Today my Uncle Ruedi was nice enough to come from North Brookfield to pick up Auntie Phyllis Ann and Uncle Lee and drive them to Wellsley to pick up Jacob :) Jacob has been studying at a Pre-Med National Youth Leadership Forum in Boston for the last 10 days. He loved it and is looking forward to going onto phase 2 next year with a more intensive program. He is so smart! I wish I had his smarts, oh and swimming skills! He is also an accomplished member of the Kenai High School Swim Team.I just can't believe how grown up he is! The last time I saw him was 2006!
Julie got to try out the new exersaucer. She was very happy to be playing with the little butterfly in the dome. She was perplexed as to why she could not get it out of the dome. I have to say I was very envious that she got to jump around and I have to stay still :( I told her to do some jumping for me!
I am going to the doctors again tomorrow morning. I am hoping he has some hope for me and I can go back to work. I hate missing this much work! I never take sick time yet even with a broken back I feel like I should be working. It's just so strange not to be there and doing stuff. School starts in a little over a month and I feel so behind on stuff going on. I am way outside the loop on lots of things and I am going to do everything I can to catch up! I need my back back to normal... or at least back to the way it was before the fall.
If I keep walking around it is the only way to keep my back from getting stiff and it helps with the numbness in the leg too. Due to the awesome heat wave I walked inside. I went to Kohl's one day and walked around for two hours before I was so tired I had to sit down. I did manage to take a snapshot of this cute onesie I saw on my rounds. The Kohl's people probably were a little suspicious of my walking around and not shopping around. Well I was thankful for their ac and their hospitality even if they didn't know they were providing it!
Thanks to everyone who continues to ask about Dad, continue to check up on him via, calls, txts, visits, e-mail's and cards. It is sometimes just what he needs to give him an extra burst of energy.
I hope to have better reports next week for Dad's infection and my back. We make a good pair!
Until Next Week,
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