Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snow is Melllllllllting.......


 This is the snow pile that is in our driveway. Last weekend this thing was as tall as my neighbors house and we couldn't get out of the back doors very easily. Brendan came over and snowblowed a bit so we could at least get around the pile, which left us with...the Berg!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday Mom

We celebrated three days this past week for Valentine's Day, Auntie Madaline's Birthday and Mom's and Mason's Birthday.  Mom has just turned 29 and Brendan and Kerry had a special birthday dinner tonight at their house.

At Mom's Birthday dinner Dad and Kylie Facetimed so I could be at the dinner too :) Kylie loves to use facetime on the phone and wants to get up really close so you get to see mostly her nose and eyes. Dad got her to stand back a bit so I could see her whole face!

Dad's Bloodwork came back and indicated that his Blood is too thick. So they started him on Shots :(
He has to give himself these twice a day for almost a week. Doesn't seem like too much fun but if it works it will be very good.

We said goodbye to a good family friend this week. Anna Mastro and the whole Mastro family have been friends of ours since before I was born. She was such a sweet lady who was always giving. Whether it be her time or her baking she was a wonderful person who will be dearly missed. 
Dad was able to play for the funeral mass, first one since the LVAD. It was a nice touch to have him play and I know Anna would have loved it!

We celebrated my cousin Mason's 1st birthday on Sunday! He and Mom share the same birthday. He was so cute and enjoyed his party and his cake very much!

We were informed by the visiting nurse today that flu season is officially over! Well they haven't taken down the signs around Assumption's Campus yet. I especially like the picture of the kid picking his nose as a "flu fighter"...at least it makes you notice the poster!

Dad had a pretty good week. No appointment until the first week of March. Worcester and the VNA has been monitoring his BP and Bloodwork which saves from heading into Boston. Hopefully they can get his blood thickness down so that clots won't be such a worry. The shots are suppose to be faster acting than oral meds so I hope they do their job and do it quick.

Thanks to everyone who is still praying, calling, sending cards, texting, e-mailing, dropping by, bringing food, and just general checking up on Dad and us. We are very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!

I will leave you this image. A gem of a photo that my cousin took on our vacation last summer. We call it "Chuck Norris' Grandmother!"

Until Next Week,


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