There's a Prius in there... No Really, It's behind the 4 wheel drive Subaru!!!
This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning! Luckily we did not lose power and Brendan was working during the storm so if we had an emergency at least we knew he could get the Fire Department to us ASAP.
This was the worst storm for us in ages. I could not get the snowblower out of the basement. Brendan later came by and it took the two of us to get it into his truck. The self propelled part of the snowblower... no longer self propels! We are very lucky to have such great neighbors who helped us out! After I fell into a drift up to my neck and couldn't get out I figured this would be a good time to ask for the help that everyone has offered. My neighbor Kevin came over with his snowblower and dug out the doors for us and made a good dent. Then Mr. Warren's crew came with their plows to plow us out. The unfortunate part was the Plows got stuck in our driveway and had to be pulled out :( I came to the conclusion that if the 1/2 ton dump truck gets stuck in our driveway there is no way in H. E. double hockey sticks, that the Prius is moving! We ended up getting the 4 wheel drive out ok... the Prius my neighbors ended up just pushing! Note to Self.... Self, next storm garage the Prius!
The Girls came over on Sunday so Brendan and Kerry could have a movie date :) Lilly loves to feed my fish, Cleveland. Kylie decided she wanted to feed him this time too. I moved his bowl down to the floor so they both could see his eating his food. Lilly kept saying "come on Cleveland, come on eat your food." Kylie just kept pointing her finger dangerously close to the water calling him "Disfish.... Dis Auntie Laurie, Dis Disfish." So Cleveland now has a nickname!
While Lilly, Kylie, Grammy and I were busy. Papa and Julie first compared hair styles... They concluded Julie has more hair. All that hair talk made them both very tired!
Dad seems to be doing well this week. We played Trivial Pursuit during the storm weekend several times. We also played another Trivia game called "Smart Ass" This was right up his alley. Mom is working hard on her trivia skills. She needs to watch T.V. more and study an Atlas before we play next time!
Kylie waited until Lilly was distracted with the blocks...Then she "kidnapped" the baby Lilly was playing with and went to hide in the playhouse I made out of Lilly's car seat box. Very sneaky :)
Lilly still managed to make a very tall pile of blocks despite the kidnapping of her baby doll!
The two of them decided to have a pillow fight and forgot all about what they were fighting over. They must have giggled for a straight half hour while they were playing with the pillows!
John took me back to work to get my car which I left in the garage during the storm. When I went back to pick it up I noticed the green ivy growing along the sides of the garage. the snow still managed to come inside a bit, but, it was a nice contrast to see something green and alive in all that vast icy frozen tundra of a landscape!
The visiting nurse came today and was very impressed at how good Dad looked. She was happy with his progress and was certain he was not putting on any fluid, which is a good sign. His BP can now be measured in Worcester so he can go once a week to have that monitored. He went last Monday and they want him to go again this week to make sure it is being maintained.
So no news is good news on the Palumbo front. We are all looking forward to spring and not having to worry about falling or slipping, especially in the driveway!
Thank You to all who continue to support us along the way. We are so grateful to all of you who have done so much to help us out. Thanks for checking up on us during the storm to see if we were ok and if we needed a generator ( we do have one thankfully ). Thanks for the calls, texts, emails, letters, meals, shoveling help, snowblowing, plowing, pulling me out of a snowdrift and essentially anything else we have needed thus far. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!
Until Next Tuesday,
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