Labor Day Weekend Festivities
We all had a pretty busy week and weekend!
Lilly turned 4 on Saturday so Bren, Kerry, the kids and I all went to the rainforest cafe at the Burlington Mall for a special birthday celebration dinner. Earlier Lilly and her cousin Annie were treated to the Movie Monster's University at the BIG theater. This was Lilly's first time to the real movie theater. She loved it!

The Rainforest Cafe has tons of amazing fish to look at an all kinds of audio animatronic type animals that make noises and move. It's a little bit like Disney. After we ate Kylie and I took the opportunity to try on a few hats in the gift shop :)

After Dinner we went back to the "new house" as Lilly calls it. ( If she is anything like we are, she will be calling it the new house the rest of her life. We still call the 30 year old section of our cellar, "the new part!") We sang happy birthday, had cake and ice-cream, Kylie popped a lot of bubble wrap and Lilly opened her presents. This present she is riding is her new purple scooter. She had tried our neighbor Kasey's scooter a month or so ago and told her Mom and Dad she wanted one like that only purple for her birthday. Kerry was able to find one exactly like she wanted and Lilly was very happy!

This is Patty Play Pal ( In the middle ) she was Donna's doll when she was a little girl. We were trying to see who was taller. Lilly or Patty? Lilly is going to look for a fall dress that maybe she could share with Patty for the fall season. Kylie even held her hand :)
Adam and Amy are raising chickens for eggs. These are my two favorite. The black one is Maurice (Maurice the first ended up being a rooster so he had to go back to the farm ) This is Maurice too :) Brendan says he looks like an alpaca! The "blond" one I like to call Olivia, after Olivia Newton John, because she looks like she is wearing leg warmers! " Let's Get Physical"

This was Dad's First outdoor outing since he has been home. Mom, Dad, Auntie Janet, Uncle Jimmy, Tracy and Chris all went out to dinner on Saturday night. That was his first indoor outing. He is definitely feeling better. He stays awake for much longer periods of time and seems to have a little more pep in his step than before the hospital. Kylie asked him "Papa, what's that?" and grabbed his mustache. He said, "It's my mustache, do you have a mustache?" She had to touch her face just to make sure she hadn't grown one without knowing!
She then told Brendan he had a mustache and a scratchy face :) To which he answered by tickling her and her giggling away.
We are still awaiting the arrival of miss Vivian Grace. I thought I would sew her up a few new matching things that wouldn't be hand me downs but instead would be hand made. The little diaper case, bib and taggie blankie are all pink and ready to go :) I can't wait to meet her, the anticipation is unbearable. Tracy and I went out today to Starbucks and Staples for a few supplies. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is back for the 10th year so I of course had to have my first one of the season
It was as good as always :)
As always, thank you to everyone who keeps us going with your kind words, cards, notes, food, and company. You are all the best kind of medicine a family could ask for!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Until Next Tuesday,
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