So we have snow and flowers in the yard...
The FLOWERS are winning!!! I am very happy to say we have more flowers than snow in the yard. It was a beautiful beginning to the week as the temperatures have been mild.
We had a pretty good week. Dad is continuing to do well and is even playing the 4 p.m. mass on Saturday's regularly with plans of returning to Sundays soon. We still have no word of a heart yet :( There are still a few weeks that Dad remains at the top so keep the good thoughts and prayers coming.
Dad and I went to Home Depot on Friday. We got some new pavers for the garden, some air fresheners for the cars and this beauty! This hydrangea has 8 huge blooms! It is so pretty. It's Purple, Pink and Blue an makes a really nice addition to our kitchen. Mom is going to plant it outside later in the season. We are trying to think of the best place to plant it so we can see it from the deck.
Me with the Andy Warhol "32 Campbell's Soup Cans"
This Saturday I was lucky enough to be part of the Assumption Art Department's Spring MoMA Trip. It was my first trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York! It did not disappoint! In addition to the infamous Campbell Soup display there was a famous picture that was visiting MoMA and it happened to be there while we were there!
Edvard Munch's "The Scream" was on display for us to see and photograph. It was amazing to get right up close to the pastel picture and see the actual strokes Munch drew when he made this piece.
We also had the pleasure of seeing "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh. A friend of mine called it the Kim Kardashian of the museum because it is the most photographed work of art in the place! It was still very cool to see and you could see the paint on the canvas!
This piece was something I always wanted to see Monet's Water Lilly's! It was so HUGE! It took up one whole wall of the museum and it was impressive. You could go right up close and look at it. It wasn't behind glass so you could actually see all of the paint texture and brush strokes so clearly.
Sunday, Kylie and Julie came over to play. Poor Lilly had a cold so she couldn't come over :( Grammy and Kylie set up some cakes for a tea party :)
Julie and I hung out and watched them set up :) Julie is 4 months old tomorrow!!!
Joe and I signed up to run the Disney half Marathon in January next year. I will be 40 and he will be 12 years younger than that! My friends Cherie and Stacey are going to do it with us too. I am very excited! I wish Brendan would run it with us but his response to us was, "yeah, you guys are crazy!" So I am taking that as a...not going to run it with ya!
Side note...dear SELCO ( Our power company ) if you are planning on disconnecting our power to change over power lines could you let us know a little sooner than when 5 trucks pull down the street! Lucky for us Dad has 4 batteries fully charged at all times to run the pump or we would have been in trouble!
That's all the news that's fit to print on the Palumbo homefront. I am please that Dad had another good week and we hope this trend of good health continues! He is in a much better position now than he was even two months ago. He feels well enough to be out and about and that's what makes the surgery and all it's hardships worth it!
Thanks again for everything you do and continue to do for us, we are so thankful to have such a wonderful support system!
Have a great week everyone. Until next Tuesday
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