My seniors are getting ready to leave Assumption. While their journey comes to an end ours, continues as we still wait for a heart and another jump to the top of the list.
This is my view on my way into work every day. I love springtime the best because all of the trees turn bright green and the flowers all are in bloom. I love this drive in because it reminds me of the first time I rode to Assumption with Dad on our way to pay my first tuition payment. Anyone who knows me knows I have the worst sense of direction on the planet! I am nothing without a GPS. I was not 100% familiar with how to get to Assumption when I was accepted. I had been there and loved the campus and all it's beautiful grounds but I was still unsure of the drive. I remember driving there with Dad that day to drop off my tuition and thinking, WOW this is such a beautiful area, I am going to love driving to school everyday through here. Well 21 years later, I am still making this commute, now as an employee many years after graduating from Assumption and I still never tire of the ride.
Dad had a pretty good week. He played two masses this past weekend and has lucked out as far as spring allergies. Some people we know can't see very good right now and can't stop sneezing.
We had a very very busy week. On Wednesday Lilly and Kylie invited us to their school. A petting zoo came to visit. I will try to get the photos off my camera for next week. It was extra special because Adele was there too!!! All four girls were at school together :)
Here's a cute photo of Adele snuggling a baby bunny :) The kids were so excited to see and hold all the animals (Except Kylie...she was done with them after about 20 minutes and then just wanted to jump on and off the only rock in the the school yard....which is flat!)
I spent Friday day prepping and baking for our friend Marie's 50th birthday party on Saturday. Mom got to go to a much needed girls night out on Friday night. She had a great time, and I was very glad she decided to go. Dad and I stayed in and watched one of the slowest games in Red Sox history. Dad fell asleep first then I fell asleep for a half hour on the couch....BIG mistake....I ended up being awake until 2 a.m.! Naps are no good at night! The Red Sox won thank goodness!
Saturday I was back in the party planning mode. I met our friend Tammy and her Uncle Vin at the church where we cooked the rest of the meal and got everything together we needed. Then we headed up to the Bullpen Bar at SHARC (Shrewsbury, Health and Racquet Club) to get things ready for the party. Marie was surprised and so happy when she came in. She kept saying she didn't realize she knew so many people!
The cake was cute. Our friend Evie, makes really great cakes and even put Marie's baby picture and her picture from a few years ago on the cake! It was a fun Saturday night and Marie was so grateful to everyone for coming to help celebrate her birthday.
My school year is winding down. I am really going to miss my Graphic design 2 class I am taking. I have had such an amazing semester. Several of my pieces have made it into school art shows and I submitted a few to the Graphic Design Club Award Presentation and they made it into that show too. It's really great to see the pieces you worked so hard on all year up for people to see.
This is the TV2 class that takes place every Monday in my Studio. I have helped each of these kids with their projects over the course of the semester. I have listened to them complain. Listened to their joy and laughter when things were going as planned. The worst part is breaking their hearts when I had to tell them to redo their project because I knew they could do better. The professor who was a good sport, (and is on the bottom of the pyramid, beard and glasses ) Bruce Lundeen, has the worst part of the class, the grading. Three of these kids will be leaving us in a few weeks. One is going to China to teach English, One is going to Disney World to work in the College Program and the last one is still undecided in his future endeavors for now.

It was a large crowd on Sunday afternoon in the Hagan Campus Center. Friends and Family came out for the Football Documentary on Assumption's football program simply entitled, " The Hounds" after our own Assumption Greyhounds. We had kids who actually wrote the soundtrack for the documentary, some that did filming, audio, editing, running up hills with cameras, shooting practice in the rain, going to camp with the players at 4:30 in the morning during the summer and staying with them 24/7 until it was done. These kids worked so hard! This is what I am proud to say Assumption College Communications program and ACTV can do! They did the job, did it well and are selling the documentary to not only players and families but Alumni as well. I am so VERY PROUD of them!!!
This is a screen shot of one of the practices they filmed.
Tonight was the end of the theater program as we know it. There will be some changes made to the program next year and for some of my students sake I hope it works out favorably. A bunch of my kids were in today's production so I decided to go and support them in their final hour of class. So many of them did a great job. They did all different things from monologs to singing and dancing. The opening number was a giant dance with the whole class, choreographed by a student. They did a good job and I only hope they can continue.
Tomorrow we start final exam week. Today was our senior send off for out work study students that are graduating. Very sad :( We will miss them and wish them all the best!
I have my Graphic Design 2 final exam next Monday but I am through with the assignment part so I am relieved that is done.
In your prayers this week I would like to ask if you could include my friend Stacey's family. They have had a rough year and just suffered another devastating loss. They need some positive thoughts and prayers coming their way. Luckily they are a strong family who are there for one another. If you could say a prayer for them I would greatly appreciate it and I know they would too.
I hate to be greedy and ask for more prayers and well wishes but we still need them. Luckily Dad is stable for now. His appointment last week was frustrating due to the delays he had. The Boston Marathon nightmare really taxed the area hospitals. They lost track of schedules and time due to the emergencies and severity of the situation. This made Dad 's appointment take forever and they had to skip and reschedule certain parts of his exam which he wasn't happy about. It's like I said to my Mom, any other time he has the right to be upset about being made to wait. This time, knowing what all those people suffered through and some who are still suffering being made to wait is the least of our worries. I would rather wait all day knowing doctors and nurses were being held up in the operating room or ER saving someones life and limbs. Is it inconvenient...sure it is...will we get to open the hospital door with both hands and walk out on both legs...yes, some victims of the attack do not have the same luxury.
Thank You everyone for your continued unwavering support. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends and we could never do everything we do without support and help from all of you. Thank You for your prayers, thoughts, well wishes, cards, calls, texts, emails, and visits. We appreciate everything you do for us.
Until Next Week,