Home May Be Closer Than We Think !
It has been 48 Hours and so far Dad's heart is "resting" and doing the job it and the pump were designed to do together! All his numbers seems to be where they want them except for the potassium which they keep having to give him. That's small stuff compared to what we were dealing with even 48 hours ago. There have been no V-Tach episodes AT ALL today!!!!! Dad got up and walked the halls twice with just Mom, no nurses needed!
Auntie Janet came to visit again today and she beat Mom at Scrabble....as it seems she always does. At least this time it was a closer score :) She took us out to lunch at the Mission Grill. It is a really cute place about a block away from the hospital and an easy walk to get there. She also brought me some yummy rice krispie treats :)
We went out to lunch when they finally called to have Dad go down for his testing procedure. They wanted to make sure all the leads in Dad's Device were working properly. They put him to sleep in the lab and fired the leads to make sure they were A-OK. They were all working perfectly and Dad said he didn't feel a thing and felt fine after he was just STARVING.
Brendan, Kerry and the Kids came up to visit again today too. It makes the Day go by so much faster when everyone is here. We waited in the waiting room for a while until Dad got back to the room. The girls love to stand on the ledge of the windows and look out across the city.
Lilly was extra silly today while we were taking pictures on my phone. She couldn't stop laughing and it was contagious :)
Little Julie woke up for a little while so we could see her pretty eyes
The girls took turns sitting with Papa. Kylie wanted to show Papa her new shoes...Nike's :) Lilly told Papa about the fun stuff she did at Gymboree today with Mommy and Kylie. Just the big girls got to go to gymboree today.
The girls are trying to watch Brave on TV but as you can see from Lilly blocking her ears sometimes Papa's tests can be a little loud. They didn't miss a beat though. Never worried about the noise or anything.
Dad's partner in crime, Kylie! Dad had been asking for a Milky Way for the past few days and we wouldn't give him one until all of his levels evened out. Everything else he was eating was being closely monitored and we didn't want to screw anything up. So today he was allowed a treat. Lilly was more than happy to share his treat and Kylie went back for seconds...and thirds. In reality Dad ate about a third of the candy bar :)
When the movie was over and the girls finished their dinners. They wanted to play a few games on the iPhone and iPad. They played a memory game and drew some pictures. They were really cute!
Tomorrow they are sending an infectious disease doctor in to check out Dad's arms. Both of his arms and hands are swollen and read and several sited where the IV's were look like they may be infected. They want to take care of the infection locally before it spreads and becomes a systematic infection and a really big problem! They have been using heat therapy for three days but they seem to be getting redder which the doctor wasn't happy with when he saw them tonight.
So it was another day of waiting but at least we had great company and the waiting in the end turned out to be good news.
Thanks to everyone who has been calling, emailing, texting, writing, visiting, helping with the fundraiser, and making this less painful for all of us. We would never have been able to do this without you and we appreciate all that our family and friends are doing for us. Keep the prayers coming :)
Until Tomorrow,
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