Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Week Has Passed

Up With The Sun 

This past weekend I took a much needed break with the girls to Maine for our annual Girls Shopping Weekend! Robyn's cousin Janice is nice enough to let us stay at her beautiful house in York for the weekend. Saturday Deb, Anne and I were up with the sun and went for a run.

If you notice the white spots on my is frost! It was so beautiful. A little chilly at first but it was a fantastic run!

Later we went back to Nubble to take a photo...frost free :)

Dad did great this week. He had an appointment last Thursday and things went well. His echocardiogram showed that his fluid has decreased HOORAY :) Hopefully he can continue on this up an up trend and get better and stronger everyday. They increased the speed of the pump to hopefully give him more energy and make him feel less tired. He is doing better this week than last and hopefully he will do even better next week. People have been stopping in to visit and it has been so nice. 

Mom and Dad even went out to lunch this week! They have been visiting local stores to walk around to get Dad some exercise. He can lean on the carts at the store while they shop and it's a change of scenery. 

Today, Dad had a lot of familiar friendly faces come to visit. They brought a delicious lunch for everyone to enjoy and it was just like another day in the office :0) Dad was very happy to see everyone. I know he misses being at work with all his friends but soon enough he will be back and even better than before.

Dad and the friends he works with. Some of them have been friends with Mom and Dad since before I was born and they are still here for support after all these years :)

******* PLEASE SAVE THE DATE *******

Some good friends have been organizing a fundraiser for Dad. It will be at St. Anne's Church Hall on January 13, 2013 from 11:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The letter from St. Anne's Pastor and the ticket samples are below

Here is a sample of the tickets

This fundraiser will be held to help with all of the increasing medical costs that Dad has. He will continue to have more expenses as his condition progresses from LVAD to Transplant and we are looking to ease the costly burden of medical care. Thus far his care has been excellent and we want to be able to continue to offer him the best care that he can get.

I would like to thank everyone for your continued support, care, concerns, cards, visits, meals, phone calls, e-mails, text messages, blog comments and so much more. We continue to make it through another week with all of your support. Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming, we still need them. 

I will leave you with a few last photos from my girls weekend. The challenge is always to make sure we can cram all of our purchases into Robyn's car on the way home. I am happy to say we had another successful packing experience. It is kind of like playing the game tetris. Leave no available space unfilled. We left a little friend in the window to wave to all our fellow commuters.

We always drive home by the water to say goodbye to the ocean one last time before we leave. The view was as beautiful as a warm summer day!

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