Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just Another Unsunny Day in Boston M A

Room With a View
 This is the view from the room. Not a bad view. In the background you can see the Northeastern University Scoreboard. We can see them playing soccer. Last night the poor kids had to row off the field it was so wet! It has been cloudy or raining since our arrival but it makes being here easier because you do not miss being able to go outside. 

M I C K E Y M O U S E                   

Mom and I took a walk to Walgreens and Stop and Shop today to stretch and walk around. It wasn't bad and we picked up a few room decorations for Dad :) We talked to Kerry, Lilly and Kylie Via Facetime tonight on the iPad. Technology sure has changed the way we communicate. It's so nice to be able to see them and see what they are up to. They have little colds so they are unable to visit, but at least they can see and talk to Dad this way.

The Doctors came in earlier and said that Dad is scheduled for surgery Wednesday at 7 a.m. so this is our official time unless there is some type of an emergency between now and then. The team doctors that came in this morning were great. They explained that the two occlusions that he has may be addressed Wednesday as well. If they have to do bypass on top of the LVAD they will take a vein from his leg and use that to bypass the two occlusions. If not that is a bridge we may have to deal with later. We are hoping it can all be done at the same time and we can avoid another surgery later.
 Right now Dad is able to get out of bed, walk the hall in the cardiac unit and eat dinner with us sitting on the couch in the room. So we are just waiting basically for the weekend to end, Monday brings the eco cardiogram and our LVAD classes. Tuesday is alot of waiting and Joe will be driving here Tuesday night. 

Dad is in good spirits as always and is def. a favorite patient here. He keeps them all laughing as always.

We continue to appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers and well wishes.

More tomorrow



  1. Comment if you have a chance and Dad can read it

  2. Uncle Mike, just wanted to say I am thinking of you and praying for you with all my heart! Good luck this week!! And Laurie, thank you so much for taking the time to keep us all posted!! Good luck to all of you!! -Katy
